Thursday, November 29, 2012

L'Eclaireur rue de Sèvignè Paris

L'Eclaireur  at 40 Sévi­gné is a remark­able inter­ac­tive instal­la­tion where every vis­i­tor will undergo their spe­cific expe­ri­ence is being man­u­fac­tured. In the secrecy of the con­tem­po­rary archi­tec­ture of this place and the used mod­ern tech­nique answers have to be sought and the selec­tion of Armand and Mar­tine Hadida have to be dis­cov­ered.
 Real­ity and illu­sion inter-play con­stantly.
More than two tons of wooden planks were deliv­ered before the scenog­ra­phy was shaped in the form of an organic sculp­ture and the walls were hung with 147 ani­mated video screens. Yet in their cur­rent form they seem weightless.
In an aston­ish­ing and mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary part­ner­ship, L’Eclaireur wel­comes, as one of first in Paris, the famous and much anticipated Sur­face table of Microsoft.
crédit Studio Arne Quinze BVBA -10.jpgAt the heart of the space, the Room­book, an eye-catching piece signed by the artists of Elec­tronic Shadow, let’s the vis­i­tor to see the other side of the mir­ror. Naz­iha Mes­taoui and Yacine Ait Kaci had been given carte blanche to install this pro­jec­tion on a the screen which is to become a cre­ation over time as all the dif­fer­ent chap­ters are not writ­ten yet.
The lay­out of the spaces was signed by Stu­dio Arne Quinze
watch how she did it....

Not only the Boutique is one-of-a-kind but it is also filled with
the most exquisite brands of the moment, among them:
Balenciaga, Rick Owens, Lanvin, Zagliani, Balmain,
Chan Luu, Dries Van Noten, J Brand, Moncler
and of course my beloved Fornasetti.

visit L'Eclaireur Sèvignè Boutique
at 40 rue de Sévigné
Paris, Marais
Open from Monday to Saturday 11am to 7pm

+33 1 48 87 10 22

all photos belong to L'Eclaireur thank you Les Parisiennes for your kind cooperation.